Layout Style

Set global options for your store layout. Set layout width, layout background, Sections padding, Section heading and Subheading look.


  • In the theme editor, click Theme settings

  • Locate Layout Style

  • Make required changes and click save

Select Layout:

Select layout for your store. You can set to default or fullwidth.

In the default layout, you can display sections as container width or fullwidth individually from each section.

In fullwidth, you store layout is fullwidth. All sections display fullwidth.

Layout Width:

Set width for your layout. All content will display max to width that you set here. However if you select fullwidth option from any section, that will display in fullwidth.

Body Background:

Set body background color or background image(optional). Set background image options like position, size, attachment etc.

Sections Padding:

Set left and right padding for Desktop, Ipad and Mobile . This padding is set for all fullwidth sections. However if you wish any section in fullwidth and not have any padding on left & right side, then enable option No Padding from that particular section.

Section Headings

You can see heading and sub heading on top when you add sections on home or inner pages.

Set these headings and sub headings style from here. Choose heading style, set alignment, font size and colors options from here.

Last updated